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Get Involved In An Argument Because You Intend Making a Point, Not Because You Intend Wining

Get involved in an argument not because you intend wining, but because you have a point to prove.

If I may ask, what exactly do you say to your spouse daily?

On the contrary, permit me to say that the way and manner you interact with your partner can determine how happy or sad both of you are going to be.

Wrong interactions between a couple can make them doubt the purpose of their union and if they ever liked each other before they came together.

After an argument with your partner, do not withdraw into a protective but uncomfortable bubble where you say things like “I will never bother you again from this day onward, or stay away from me, okay?”

In such a mode, you will end up keeping malice with your partner for a while, treating him or her with lack of commitment, or detaching gradually by giving your time to something new.

The danger of taking such an ugly stance in your relationship is that you may never be the same again when you step out of your uncomfortable safe-haven. Such behaviour will send the wrong message to your partner, and for that reason the person may withdraw from you. The consequence is a partner who does not care for you anymore.

Be careful with your utterances in times of arguments with your partner. There’s the tendency that your partner will reflect on whatever word you have uttered, and that might help the person to know exactly what he or she is worth in your life.
Mind your Utterances..

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