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Exploring an open Relationship

When it comes to exploring open relationships, some people are passively open while others are more actively open. Passive openness means that you’re not actively seeking out new partners, but if an opportunity comes to you fairly easily, you may be inclined to accept the invitation and enjoy it. Active openness means that you proactively invite new connections instead of only passively waiting for them to show up.

Over the past three years, I’ve oscillated between both of these postures. Sometimes I’ve been pretty passive, mainly enjoying my connection with my girlfriend and enjoying an occasional threesome. Other times I’ve felt like being more proactive, so I put out invites for the types of connections I wanted to experience.

If I want more connections, I can hold a more actively open posture and be more flirtatious and inviting. If I feel like being in my own space for a while, I may switch to passive-open or even closed (where I’d turn down new connections when offered).
People normally switch between active, passive, and closed modes with casual social invites, choosing a posture that gives them what they want, and it’s not difficult to extend this dynamic into less casual connections.

I really like blending the benefits of monogamy with the experience of openness. I love having a stable girlfriend and the love, intimacy, and special connection that we share. I also love being able to connect with other women when the opportunity arises or I have a proactive desire to do so. And I especially love playing with Rachelle and another woman together.
When people ask me about my relationship life, I think they sometimes expect to hear stories of drama and problems due to the openness factor, but the reality is that it’s very easy, flowing, loving, and fun.

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