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How To Make Money On Social Media

Social Media has done us a great deal; when talking about it's positive effects on individual, organization, community and the Nation at large.

This cannot be overemphasized!

As a Social Media Specialist, I can tell categorically that Digital Marketing is far more profitable, cost cutting, and time saving than the Traditional Marketing we are all familiar with!

And since we are concerned about making earns meet in a way or the other, legitimately, it is therefore pertinent to take advantage of this development.

Social media is a name that is widely use and one of the most popular words commonly use by the youths, elderly, educated and corporate world. Nigerians occupies a leading position in Africa social media space. As the global coverage in the usage of social media increases so is the business opportunities. Here are Best ways you can make money with social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, Pinterest e.t.c

Do well to utilize this great opportunity.
Your audience are waiting for you!

1. Twitter.

So many people have made legitimate cash through promotion of brands on social media , setting trends . Twitter is one of the most powerful social media that can help to connect the buyer and seller with little or no stress.the major conditions if you want to make money on twitter includes; creativity,perseverance,networkings.

2. Instagram

Do you have fascinating and trendy items for sales ? Instagram is the best place you can capture the interest of your followers with fancy items photo . If you have attractive items for sale, set up online store on Instagram where you can sell those items and earn your legitimate money.

3. Comedy

Do you have talent in Comedy? Some comedians are now using social media such as Twitter and YouTube or make cool monies by creating standard contents that drives impressive numbers of audience. Popular among them are: Trailerjam(@trailerjam), Mark Angel comedy, Jenifa's Diary, Ay live, Comedian Ibiye, Maraji, e.t.c

4. Manage Social Media

A lot of corporate bodies are seeking competent people to manage their social media account and promote the brands and corporate image . If you have good oral and written skills this may be your next job.

5. YouTube Channel

YouTube is social and informative platform where you will not only make money but can also turn into celebrity.

Several YouTubers made money with advert from corporate bodies, charges for training. If you have a solid phone that can record nice videos why not start today and get reasonable income from your creativity?

Popular Artists, Actors, Comedians, Educationists, Politicians understand the power of YouTube and now engages their audience through this medium.

6. Sell Your Photos

Do you know you can turn your passion for photography into a viable business by taking good photos and people pay for using such photos for their business activities since you have an exclusive right to such photos? You can also conduct little research on how you can sell your photos to reputable sites.

7. SoundCloud

Don’t waste your musical talent. SoundCloud is one of the best platform to get your music noticed and you can create nice jingle, post it on SoundCloud and other social media to get clients that is interested in using your music for marketing,commercials and radio advertisement.

8. Facebook

Don’t waste your data without making reasonable level of income from social media . Do you think several likes you have on every post you make on Facebook can’t be converted into cash? You can make money by posting items that promote brands and can also advertise your item or market an item on your Facebook page.

Stops reading only news on social media. Start today on how you can carve a niche for yourself and convert your huge friends on Facebook into a platform where you can

Also make money for yourself. Best of luck!

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