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OPINION: The Chronicles Of Rev Patrick Edet


BY Osondu Ahirika

If Rev. Patrick Edet believes he is indeed free from trouble as he asserted when he announced his shock withdrawal from the Priesthood of the Catholic Church, then that will be a grave error.
Albeit, I can safely argue, he cannot make such an assumption, given that, he is a man apparently propelled by divine insight and wisdom. On Wednesday August 2, 2017, Rev. Patrick Edet deleted his name from the clergy of catholicism and walked into a new Era.

As largely expected, Rev. Patrick Henry Edet, I understand has secured the strategic Ibom Hall complex as he starts a new Church. The name, given as, Covenant Grace Assembly.
Season of grace, and the Grace Family can continue life on the bounce and I felicitate with the man of God for the goodnews. I must however aquaint him to old problems that will trail his new move.

The first shock Rev. Edet will have to reconcile with, is, the sudden transformation of erstwhile friends and devotees into implacable foes. Many Catholic faithful who were his ardent followers, both among the clergy and laity, will see him forthwith as a rebel. A renegade and an apostate, who, by recanting his catholicism has lost his clerical state and grace.
No explanation will suffice as far as these ones are concerned, to arbitrate their bitterness for the ridicule they feel, Rev. Edet's retraction has caused the Holy Catholic Church. They will never forgive him and will become active or passive opponents of the seceeding Priest and his new church. Before them, has lost his innocence.

In his new terrain, Rev Edet will find the road rough. Let me say this without fear or favour. The exit from the Catholic Church is not a loss to that formidable faith as many think, even though they are offended by the dust raised by its aftermath. Truth is, the movement of Rev. Patrick Edet, seriously reviewed, is not a gain to the Pentecostal establishment as the untutored would think.

You ask, 'how do I mean?' Let me explain. It is unfortunate that, within the evangelical churches and the Pentecostal fold, deep seated distrust, rivalry, and unhealthy competition also thrives, although it is mostly unspoken of.
Between the General Overseers and leaders of the various independent ministries, there is a competition for who runs the largest congregation or drives the latest automobile. Acquisition of a private jet is an added advantage for rating one General Overseer above the other. Other yardsticks for ratings include, the best dressed Minister, who erected the biggest edifice for a church headquarter, how many countries you have been to or have branches in, what title you are addressed by, the contacts you have, as well as, the high and mighty in society whose attention you attract.

These factors sound mundane, but believe me, in the segregated Pentecostal Fold, it matters more than one can construct. That is the fold Rev. Patrick Edet is stepping into.
Whether he ultimately joins the formation or decides to stay solo, he will be in the firing range of the unwritten competitive mindset.
Never make the mistake of believing he will be welcomed with open arms by the big time pastorprenuers who are watching events with studied silence.
The fear of a Rev. Patrick Edet tsunami blowing across the Pentecostal stretch is real and potent. His entry will alter the turf on which these leaders have held sway. Whereas some Catholics who are enheartened to Rev. Edet will eventually go with him, being thus discipled. Pentecostals who used to attend his Night of Grace programmes, when he was in Catholic church running the inter-denominational services, will equally defect from their current Churches to join Rev. Edet's Church. His entrance into full fledged charismatic ministry will precipitate a considerable realignment of membership that will sweep across several denominations. That reality is inevitable.

Already many people across the Christian divides are thanking God, for releasing him from the restrictions, his former enclave traditionally imposed on the movement. Now, they are free to explode in the atmosphere of revelation, praise and worship as never before.

As a consequence, I won't be surprised, if some Pastors begin to headline their sermons with warning against a dissenter and backslider, who has ventured into a ministry, he may not have heard clearly from God to embark on.
Folks ', Rev. Edet will sooner or later, find this rivalry oozing about and against his ministry. He has to begin preparations on how to handle the resistance when it tolls.

His next challenge will be in the area of liturgy. Given his theological orientation as a catholic, what rites of the church will he retain, adopt or modify for the order of service in his new Church? Will he run a pure pentecostal ministry or a hybridization of Catholic rituals and pentecostal precepts? What will be the anchor of his homiletics or the rubric of his ministrations? Won't cynics accuse him of syncretism?
How does he navigate the doctrinal controversies of the Church in such rites as, infant baptism by the sprinkling of water, Confirmation and baptism by immersion? How about the unsettled issue of celibacy?

It will be interesting to see how he repeals, or upholds other performances like, confessions, absolution, officiation, the eucharist, the collects and sentences, processional or recessionary ceremony. Will he still pray the rosary and will he enlist the use of canonical vestments or slip into dapper suits and sundry robes?
It remains to be seen, if Rev. Edet will not be constrained to fashioning an ecumenical ministry, which will need to be, cosmopolitan, all-inclusive and imprecisely defined in how they worship so that everyone finds a bearing.

Rev. Edet must find a win-win formula to accommodate the diverse religious identities and indoctrination of the mixed flock that will throng his path.

Soon, the Grace Family will be larger than he can control. Rev. Edet will shortly face the intricacies of recruiting co-labourers to drive the vision. Sad to say, this presents another complication he will encounter in ministry.

Again, what is the position of Rev Edet on the sanctimoniously held belief of the Peterine apostolic succession to which Catholicism claims exclusive rights, wherewith, they essentially consider ordained clerics of any other denomination as impostors? What will be the plan for women in the ministerium of the new vision?

However that is sorted, many will position themselves strategically around Rev Edet to make the grade. Unfortunately, some of the would - be co-workers, he ordains, will come armed with their agenda and ministry ambitions too.

It will not be obvious at first. But soon enough, he will find disciples who will also go on radio and newspaper or Facebook, to declare, they are 'free', and are breaking away for a 'higher calling'. It is a predicament Covenant Grace Ministry won't escape. Some ambitious stewards will also use Rev. Edet's platform and anointing as a launch pad into relevance.

I know, he has seen enough in the past to be sufficiently armed for the betrayals and subterfuge he will experience moving forward. As I sign out, for there are many other issues I will save for another dance, let me say this. Rev. Edet should not allow the self glorification and excessive manipulations of our everyday mega preachers poach on his ministry. That old time moderation is his trump card to stand out and win. I wish him the guidance of Heaven's Light as he grows in the faith.

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