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Wondering How To Make Long Distance Relationship Work? Read this!

I write to encourage you that have, though not planned, but eventually seen yourself in a Long Distance Relationship.
Obviously and with no doubt, Long distance Relationships are likely to be compared to a journey with no destination. It seems difficult and there will be times you think of giving up. Times you wonder how much longer you can hold on and the dilemma you face when you feel that way – the reason is tearing you up inside because there’s Love in the Relationship.
What you are feeling is normal, especially when separated from the person who should be the closest to you, Doubts come and go like morning and night. There’s anger, frustration and depression and they all occur because the two of you are not together.
The thoughts you have about giving up comes from being fed up of the physical distance between you. The pains you feel, and you can no longer take it from being separated.
There are times you yearn greatly for physical touch yet you can't receive it just for the reason that your significant other that is meant to be close by, is far away; you are being trapped. Sometimes you feel being hindered, and probably handicapped by him called DISTANCE.
I quite understand how frustrating, devastating and depressed it can be, especially when you both had spent good quality and a memorable time together; those moments keeps ringing in your mind's eye, thereby making you desire their presence the more.
However, we remain grateful to technology which has bring forth communication means and gadgets that help us ease the emotional tension and fear created by DISTANCE.
I will not hesitate to mention this.
It takes a disciplined, responsible and a God fearing fellow to last long in a distant relationship with no contempt of any kind. You just could be tempted by anything, either by not hearing from them for a while or similar reason. You could also be distracted as well. In all, you should know that the end justifies the means.
Truth is, what works greatly is when you learn to introduce something new to your relationship. Try as much as possible to infuse something different from your modus oparendi to spice up the relationship.
See it as an opportunity. “If you want to live together, you first need to learn how to live apart.” – Anonymous
I Urge you to be Strong and think that perhaps the two of you are destined to be together like that for a while because it is a test of your love and if it is true and strong God will one day bring the two of you together and make you ONE.
Just hold on, Wait for that day, have trust and patience, don't follow or mind the public and Be Faithful to Each other.
This is just a charge to indulge you in positive thoughts, perception and reasoning that Distant relationships Work. I will be writing next on the Do's and Don't's of the said topic. 


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