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Get Your Own Success Defined

Success is an internal shift and not an external outcome. It comes from looking your fears in the face and telling them to shove off. And while it may not be apparent to others in the same flashy way as money, it is just as real. Because it’s naked, honest, and doesn’t require physical proof.

Way too many persons right now are not contented with the things they have achieved, the heights they have gained. They still have the feeling that they have not attained at all. The core reason for this is because 80% of them, of us, have given our success to others to do an evaluation. they, we, have allowed persons from other races, a background to tell us how perfect we are or how bad our life is. And most times we have gotten back the negative responses.

Furthermore, many have “uploaded” their lives on Facebook and sit and watch for the likes to rise and when one negative comment comes up on the comments they go like – “My life is so bad! no one loves me” or “I can’t just do it. I'm a Nigerian, I do not have the resources”

But I think that allowing the different ideas of different people in the world to affect you emotionally is just 3 steps away from crazy!

The fact is that as different as everyone’s fingerprint is in the world so is the difference of our individual definition of success. YOU HAVE TO DEFINE YOUR OWN SUCCESS. If you wait for everyone to give you a permission to be successful or a guarantee that you are successful then you would be waiting for quite a long time, if not forever. For me, 2 likes and a comment on my brand’s Facebook page is counted as a success, but for someone else, it is a massive failure!

The trick is this- know exactly what you want, know exactly what you define as success, THEN GO GET IT!

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