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Read This If You’re UNHAPPY With Your Situation In Life

Being depressed sucks.

You don’t want to get out of bed.

You hate your job. 

You're lonely because you don’t have a girlfriend.

Nothing in life gets you excited.

Do any of these sound even remotely familiar?

If so, then keep reading...

My business partner and I were walking through downtown Vancouver and I told him about my friend.

My friend is depressed and at a stand still in his life.

He has a job with an average salary, a few friends to play music with and isn’t seeing anyone.

Now, you don’t need to make a lot of money or have more friends or a steady girl to be happy.

But I have a strong hunch that if he were working on those areas of his life, he would be much happier.

More money gives you more choices.

Having friends gives you social connections.

And having a girl gives you the closeness and intimacy that you can’t get with friends or family.

These are only a few areas he could be working on.

Here are some other areas of life that he could work on to be happier and much more attractive:

• Career & Opportunities

• Relationships with friends and family

• Time with a significant other (dating)

• Relaxation & Renewal

• Living a healthy lifestyle

• Personal finances

• Spiritual growth

These are the significant areas of life.

And the fastest way out of depression is to work on those areas of your life that aren’t going so well.

To get started, take this list and rate yourself in each area on a scale of 1-10 on how well you are doing.

If you score 8 or up, you’re in a good place.

If you score 5-7, it can be improved.

If you score 1-4, then this area needs to be attacked immediately.

This method is the most effective way for you to prioritize the different areas of your life.

I wish my friend would look at this list, rate himself, and see which areas he needs to work on.

Unfortunately, you can’t make people change if they don't already want to change.

To make positive changes in your life, you must want to make them first.

So, if you’re reading this and you WANT to make new and exciting changes in your life....

Then take this list and rate yourself from 1-10 on how you feel you are doing in each area.

Prioritize which areas you need to work on first (hint: focus on the lowest numbers).

Write down the steps you can take to get started.

When you feel happier through the day...

When you’re not depressed anymore...

When you find your will and reason to live…

Attracting high quality women will happen naturally and effortlessly.

Women find well-rounded men irresistible.

You might have a shitty life and still be able to attract a woman…

But if you want a great woman to stick around…

Then work on being well-rounded, fulfilled, and successful in as many of these areas as you can.

Become a complete man and women will be pulled to you like a magnet.

[Tripp Advice] 

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