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4 Questions to Lead You Back to Your Path of Success


If you’re feeling lost on your journey to authentic success, ask yourself these questions to find your way again:

1. In what ways am I trying to be like somebody else?

One of the biggest creativity killers is comparison. Trying to live, work, or run a business like somebody else is the quickest way to detour off your authentic path. Getting honest about the ways you’re attempting to be like someone else is a great way to highlight the areas in which you could focus on yourself instead.

2. What does my version of success feel like?

Define success for yourself. Examine your family’s and community’s definitions of success, and then decide for yourself. Decide how you want to feel when you’re successful, and take steps to feel that way now.

My version of success feels like freedom, connection, and resonance. When areas of my business consistently don’t make me feel these ways, I know I’m likely not on my path to success.

3. What’s my ideal way to work?

When I’m stuck, lost, or tired, I take an honest look at how I’ve been working. “Am I working in ways that I like to work? Or am I working in ways that I think I should work?” Comparison can come into play again here.

I value flexibility, variation, and freedom, so when I find myself working 10 hour days from my home office, without days off, I know that I’m off course.

4. What comes so easily to me, I don’t even consider charging for it?

Think about the things that you love doing. The things that come so naturally to you, almost no effort is required. For me, this is writing. I’ve never considered myself a writer, but I love it. The parts of my business that showcase my writing are my favorite parts; coincidentally, they’re also the parts that, up until a few months ago, I offered for free.

Only recently did I realize that writing about my authentic personal experience was so powerful. It requires relatively much less effort than many other things I do, and I enjoy it so much that it didn’t even occur to me to explore it as a possible revenue source for my business.

Find the thing that makes you think, “I couldn’t charge for that, I love doing that,” and explore it as much as possible. In this thing, you’ll find your unique gift that the world needs, and aligning with that will always keep you on your path to success.

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