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5 Questions to Discover Who You Are and What Will Make You Happy


In order to live life as happily as you can, it’s important to meaningfully consider who you really are as a person, what your beliefs truly are, what you think your purpose in life genuinely is, and what actually makes you happiest in life overall. A positive and productive outlook can be even more beneficial pertaining to life-satisfaction than meditation can be in some cases; self-reflection is vital, and self-discovery is crucial as well. Please read the list below to ensure you’re experiencing all the happiness in life that you can be.

1: If you could be anyone or do anything, who would you be and what would you do?

Once you have your final answers in mind, it’s time to realize that you can be that person and that you can do that for a living. Oftentimes risk of failure prevents people from aspiring to reach their full potential, and in many cases, it prevents people from reaching the full potential that they could have reached fairly easily.

2: Could you pitch yourself to another human being in only a minute or two?

It’s hard enough to sell someone on a business or a product in only a minute or two—and it can be terrifying to even think about selling yourself as a human being in that time (or at all!). However, contemplating these things makes people realize their best qualities and weaknesses, and it often compels them to enhance both types of traits. Additionally, it frequently results in some great points to add to resumes and dating profiles.

3: Do you know what your values and beliefs are?

Most people think they know where they stand on most social and political issues, but if you really think closely about how you think the world should be, then you might be surprised to learn that some of your perspectives aren’t what you first think they are. In fact, there are many free resources that you can utilize in order to determine what your viewpoints on important issues really are. Furthermore, once you are fully cognizant of what your core values, morals, and beliefs are, you won’t have to figure out where you stand on the spot when a significant issue arises and you’re not sure how to act (or react).

4: Do you know what makes you truly happy?

Sometimes it’s easier to make a long list of things, review it, and then subtract or add to it as you reflect on it further. After you have all the things that bring you the most joy written down in front of you—make it a point to do more of those things more often! Keep the list handy and whenever you have a few spare minutes, pick something off the list to experience (and enjoy).

5: Where would you live if you didn’t have to pay rent—and how would you live if you didn’t need to worry about paying for your lifestyle?
If your true dream is to win the lottery and get waited on hand and foot for the rest of your life, then this activity—or any activity—may not be useful for you. However, many individuals will discover that there are many things in life they can do which will make them much happier overall; more importantly, they’ll realize there are many significant changes they can make that won’t break the bank at all. Moreover, even if there are a lot of specific things you can’t do because they just cost too much, if you give it some close, meaningful thought, oftentimes you’ll find that there are similar things you can do—or similar places you can live—that will bring you a similar amount of happiness.

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