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6 Strategic Game Plans to Be Successful In 2018

A plan is typically any diagram or list of steps with timing and resources used to achieve an objective to do something. It is commonly understood as a temporal set of intended actions through which one expects to achieve a goal.

However, Strategic planning helps us place our priorities right and gives us feet to executing our ideas successfully with little or no errors. It is hyper necessary for everyone who wants to hit it big (make it in life) to have a structured and a desirable plan so as to bring about good and endearing results.

20 more days before we welcome the New Year, get to celebrate, make merry and enjoy the moment.

All great! Sounds awesome!

But the question is, what measures have you/are you putting in place to ensure that 2018 is already a success to you?


1. Partner With God

One truest and surest source of all time is our Heavenly Father, the one who never sleeps nor slumber, the one who is never tired of hearing His children’s cry. He has been in existence even before time begun, I could go on and on.

The power of partnership especially in business cannot be overemphasized. This is one aspect business moguls never neglect because of its long term benefits.

In this case, partnership with God tells more of one’s personal relationship with Him. If you partner with God, your limit knows no bound (you’re limitless), but partnership with man is limited.

2. Create Time To Think 

Thinking is an activity considered essential to humanity. It allows humans to make sense of, interpret, represent or model the world they experience, and to make predictions about that world. This implies that if you don’t think, you can make predictions about anything let alone proffer solutions to a given problem.

No matter how busy or tight your schedule seems, endeavour to always create time to think. You need to have certain thoughts running through your mind; and positive one at that.

Think about life, your existence, your purpose and how you can get them achieved, think about how you can be of a great help to someone out there.

You can possibly be the saviour to your own generation, just THINK! THINK!! THINK!!!

3. Live Your Life By Plan

Sincerely, no one wants to live a careless and/or a wasted life. Everyone wants to make it, which still brings us back to proper planning. Benjamin Franklin once said; “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

The Holy book however states it clearly that a vision should be boldly written and made plan, why? So that it will be easy for the vision carrier (the runner) to run with it. In order words your plans must be clearly written so you will be guided.

“A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power.” ― Brian Tracy

In life’s pursuit, learn to run with a plan.

4. Have a Mentor

Experience they say is the best teacher, but I beg to differ, wisdom is way better.

Obviously, there are two ways to learn, you learn either by experience or wisdom.
It is foolishness to want to resolve at having an experience before you can learn. It is purely a waste of time and resources.

The journey you're about embarking on, someone was there before you, it is however mandatory for you to seek the advice of him that has been there so you can gain wisdom and then use it to your advantage; to work with it on your plans rather than trying ignorantly.

Look for someone that will help you fast track your success.

5. Maintain Focus

You have to consciously outline the things you want to concentrate on, and the reason for doing this is to avoid distractions; distraction from unnecessary things. Once you have a list of the things you intend focusing on, you then prioritize them from the most important to the least important, and then act upon them (put them to work).

6. Invest In Yourself

I said something about self-development and it goes thus; “Self-development awaits your decision, and your decision making awaits your realization of getting the best version of you”.

Have you ever thought about this? No one really cares about you; so no one would want to leave what they are supposed to do and start focusing on having you revamped.

The restructuring, revamping, rebranding only comes from you, and so you have work to do, stay awake and get things done just to bring about the better you. You have to put up a personal development plan for not just a better but the best version of you.

Be ready to deprive yourself of certain things. Destiny is the strongest force you must have and not pleasure.

“When you establish a destination by defining what you want, then take physical action by making choices that move you towards that destination, the possibility for success is limitless and arrival at the destination is inevitable.” ― Steve Maraboli


Samuel Enyetip is a Digital Journalist, Social Media Specialist, a Blogger, Life Coach, and a Thought Leader. An undergraduate of Mass Communication. He is passionate about young people, and he is set to making a difference in the era of reporting. He can be reached via samasukwo@gmail.com or on Facebook, Samdonnish Enyetip, and on Instagram & Twitter @iam_mrsincerity

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