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Don’t Speak for New Testament If You Don’t buy the Truth of the Old Testament - Ini Enyetip Speaks On Tithing

By Iniobong Enyetip

Sacred practice of the kingdom does not deserve any public debate. You only believe it or leave it. Tithing is not a political language neither is it a philosophical term as such, its present handling is sacrilegious and a threat to the life-long tradition and the integrity of the Christian faith.

Those who speak for or against the theology of tithing, when they have finished saying all that they know, should say, “we have said nothing”. For spiritual and sacred truth are better believed than understood. St. Anslem, in trying to demonstrate the existence of God to the Atheist (unbeliever), whom he called ‘the fools’ (Psalm 14:1) said, “I do not seek to understand in order that I may believe, but I believe in order that I may understand…for this also I believe that unless I believe, I shall not understand”. Isaac Watt, a hymn writer, wrote in the last stanza of the hymn, ‘We give Immortal praise’, “Where reason fails, with all her powers, There faith prevails and love adores”. (Methodist Hymn Book, 40).

Reasons can destroy faith if not well-checked, for everything done in the kingdom requires blind obedient by faith which Father Abraham is a progenitor. Those who question tithing would soon question the Trinity and even the Pastoral ministry i.e. does the church really need a Pastor? Let’s watch out for another wave of heretical movement in form of a social media debate.

As a quick reminder, we should not forget that it was when Christians were busy debating on; whether Christ is one being with God or a created being, the validity of sacrament in relation to the conduct of a clergy and many others in the 7th century that Islam, a new found religion, who saw Christ as a prophet and Mohammad as the greatest and the last prophet, was spreading like wild-fire, capturing Egypt, Asian and North African which were the frontiers of Christian faith.

In relating the sacred scriptures, don’t speak for New Testament, if you don’t buy the truth of the Old Testament, for they are not in any way at variance with each other in communicating the sacred truth.
For our religious players, over-emphasizing one truth in the sacred book at the expense of others is a clear invitation to heretical debate. Let’s balance our message. The bible is not a one-sided book. Every word is in agreement with each other and express one faith in unity.

Beloved, “For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. I Cor. 13:9. Watch what you hear and be guided by the pure spirit of the Most High God.

Channel all reservations concerning church doctrine through your Pastor in trust and not to Facebook for debate. Know that many of those who raise insignificant questions about church practices in most cases are not active practitioner of the faith. “They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us”. I John 2:19. Let us hold fast to our profession and leave God to judge all misdeeds.

This does not call for another debate or affirmation. May God keep your spirit and soul blameless to that glorious coming of Christ. Amen!


Iniobong Asukwo Enyetip hails from Akwa Ibom State.
A graduate of Business Administration/Management. 
In responding to God's call to serve Him (God) in His vineyard, 
Iniobong is currently in the Prestigious Immanuel College of Theology, Ibadan.
Affiliated to University of Ibadan, in pursuit of Bachelor of Theology Degree 
to join the full time ministry of Methodist Church Nigeria.
He his a prolific writer and a preacher of the word.

He can be reached at enyetipia@yahoo.com or on Facebook Church A. Enyetip

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