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No Lady is Comfortable on a Heel

There's one thing we can all agree on, and it's the fact that heels are beautiful things to look at, but put them on your feet and you will start to learn what hate feels like very, very quickly.

"No lady is ever comfortable wearing heels no matter how good you are in using them". Sophia said.

It was a Saturday afternoon, unlike other afternoon, the sun was not at its zenith. It was indeed a perfect weather for our videoshoot and we did utilize it amazingly. 

We drove down to Sophia's place to pick her up for the session, on our arrival, we noticed she was still battling with the perfect costume for the shoot. She tested all that was testable; I mean she tried out shoes and clothes that will befit the moment, and she finally settled with a dark blue jean trouser, a stunning top and a milky colour pencil-heel.

All was set and we left for the location. Long story short, we started recording, Sophia had only walked a little mile on her heel, after about an hour into the session, she was a bit uncomfortable. I noticed and asked, "Sophia are you alright"? Smiling at my question, she answered affirmatively but enclosed her response by adding that a lady is never comfortable on a heel.

Oh really? With a sarcastic gesture, I asked! 

Don't blame me for having allow sarcasm intrude our conversation, curiosity wouldn't allow me. 

"But you sure knew the nature of the session; it will demand that you walk around, and for the records, we told you to do sneakers but you opted for heels instead", I popped! "I just wanted to be attractive on heels, you know"! Sophia responded with a seductive wink.

Did I mentioned that it was a street vibez (voxpop) videoshoot? Oh yes it was! And I directed the session.

At some point in our lives we take certain decisions at the detriment of our peace and joy. We settle for things that breeds pleasure yet attached with a great pain. Other time, even when we are fully aware of the consequences, we still forge ahead with the plan and at the end we are filled with regrets and wishes that it never happened.

Sophia only made her decision for the wrong reason, not minding the consequences. The best she could do was to adhere to our suggestion and salvage the situation, but the reverse was the case. She rather continued, just so she can be admired. Don't get me wrong, I am not against one looking all attractive. Well let's continue and find out where we're heading.

In the 'MrSincerity Speaks Series', where I post few lines of thought-provoking quotes, and if you follow my writings closely you'll discover that I write with a strong quest for helping the next person, and for the cultivation of admirable traits among humans.

Rather than sometimes confronting situations, the people involved, and making sure to spill our minds so that our recipients will decode and probably do something about it so we can be happy, and while we are still not comfortable with the circumstance, we are prepared to keep mute with an increased acrimony.

The other day, a lady told me about her relationship where I got to proffer proven solutions to her, she told me instead of talking to his boyfriend about their seemingly lingering issues, she'd rather keep it to herself, though it hurts. "Na just because say I no want wahala". She added.

How satisfied are you, bearing grudges at someone you say you love? You don't intend to confront him/her just because you want peace to reign? Error! 
What a weirdest modus operandi, avoiding 'wahala' yet you're left unhappy.

Need I remind you that open rebuke is better than secret love? According to the good book!

Some even had to settle with the popular maxim that says, "if you can't beat them join them". What? Join them? Not minding if it's going to worth the compromise? 

Your standards might be brought low and may affect your entire equilibrium. Oh no! I wouldn't want for this to happen to you, so if you can't beat them just walk away. No one is ever tied to your destiny, according to Bishop J.D Jakes. 

A particular door closes, another opens, but if you stay blind and insensitive not to allow the already closed door shut down for good, how then are you going to experience the new opening? 

Think about it! What is that very thing that has brought down your standards thereby rendering you uncomfortable and in other cases useless and you're still holding on to it? (Please don't answer it on the comment box, you can inbox me on that let's see how I can be of help).

Your own 'heel' could be related to relationship, character issue, decision issue (being indecisive), the list continues, and you keep wearing them for the wrong reason, this message is for you, and I am glad it is at your disposal this very moment. I am also happy you're deducing from it, thereby pondering on making the right decision that wouldn't be driven by pity or anything.

A situation you get uncomfortable in could simply mean that you're on heels, the pencil one at that, and at the end, you're always left with two distinctive options to choose from. I hope that while you choose, you're right at it.

Don't ever allow anything make you uncomfortable. You are a royal priesthood, a chosen generation, call forth to bear fruits. Don't let anything or anyone dim your light, let it shine before men so that they will glorify your Heavenly Father.

On the whole, in all you do, Strive for Peace and Holiness.


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