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Are You Both in 'LOVE'?

If you wouldn't mind, Are You both in Love?

Many couples cannot answer this simple question correctly and most of the mistakes they make in their relationship sprout from it. Relationship involves two people with different feelings. That means a combination of what goes on within them is required for the growth of their union.

Your marriage can never work when one of you is in love and the other is not. In such a situation, there will be cheating, disrespect, and separation, which might be stimulated by the one who is not in love.

Imagine a situation where your neck was inclined to one direction for a long time, you would feel pain if there was nothing to prop it up. That is what happens when you are in love and your partner is not. You will have constant torture since you might not get in return what you have given out straight from the heart.

But when both of you are in love, you will get what you desire by giving what the person desires, too. It is that simple. There must be devotion and respect from the two of you in other to complement what you share together. So, do not make the mistake of thinking that your partner is in love with you because you are in love with him or her.

Watch out for the Signs, but ensure that you are doing something great to put that person in that mood since no one falls in love by magic, but by the marvelous deeds of one’s better half. 

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