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Don't Get Too Excited, Your Heaven Starts Here on Earth

Most of us get so spiritual that we are earthly useless.

Please note, I am not against spirituality. The problem is, majority uses it as an excuse to their ignorance.

Oh! So you haven't read that the scriptures clearly puts it that we perish for ignorance?
"My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge
“Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests"(Hosea 4:6)

In order words being a priest doesn't save you from perishing as far as this Gospel and Christiandom is concerned!

Solomon said in proverbs 4:7 that "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get understanding".

Getting understanding should be one of your principal desires. But sometimes, as a result of pride or perhaps ego, we feel we know just too much in that we ought not to give room to learning new stuffs.

But in all, trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, and in all your ways, do well to acknowledge Christ.

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