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7 Types​ Of Men Women Would Likely Walk Away From

Loosing good things in a relationship because of one mistake or the other could possibly be attributed to ignorance.

On the contrary, we really feel that relationship is what we can wake up one morning and dive into, without having to know the do's and don't's of it.

Let me give you an instance; you don't know how to drive, yet you get a car key, hopped in, ready to ignite the car for the next action, which is moving it. 
Once you press down the throttle and you don't know your next action, trust me, accident is guaranteed! Reason is, you never learned driving, yet you wanted driving.

Going by the above illustration, one sure thing about being ignorant in a relationship is "Breakup". 

Hardly do we have time to review and learn about life as regards relationship.

Have you ever wondered why marriage is being referred as an INSTITUTION?

Oh yes! Truly, it is an institution because it demands regular study and review of attitude, character, charisma, and yes future ambitions! But where this is not recognized, love fades...

The same way you'd gain admission into​ University, attend lectures, read books and materials pertaining to your course of study; just to ensure you graduate with good grades, should be the same approach you have towards relationship.

Dr. Myles Munroe once said; the best relationship in life is intra-personal relationship; "meaning the relationship with yourself", which implies that self development matters a lot.

But sadly, we rarely spend time on relationship materials, let alone going​ for counseling. 
Many a times, we deliberately assume that we can handle the situation, just on our own way, with our limited opinion and mentality. 
But it doesn't work that way!

Munroe (2005) opines that we prepare before marriage and not in marriage. 
So now I am telling you, prepare before going into that relationship not when you're in it! So you wouldn't be found wanting.

And that brings us back to our topic of discussion.
Let's consider these few traits women detaste in men.

1. A man that is not taking time to learn about love and relationship.

2. A man that spends too much time talking about himself; not giving the woman a chance to speak of herself.

3. A man who is inconsistent​ is a man most women walk away from.

4. A man who pays too much ​attention on a woman's look (body) rather than learning about her character.

5. A man that is yet to find his own part in life; A man that cannot clearly define himself or his purpose.

6. A man that puts in part time effort in a relationship.

And finally,

7. A man who is clueless about how a woman feels, things she likes, and the things she dislikes.

These and many more serves as a turn-off-point to most women.

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