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Learn to Respect the Interest of Others without Grudges - Remarkable Mary

There is this political figure I had been trying to associate my project with for six months now but he kept ignoring my request. I did explain my intent to him and am sure he saw positive reasons as to why he should be involved in that project but he still didn't respond. I kept persisting, I presented everything he needed, from my profile down to other information on his table for perusal, yet he acted so indifferent.

Naturally, as a young person who believes in his leadership, and having had an encounter with him, it would be very easy to conclude that he is heartless and inconsiderate but not for once did his action change my perspective about him being a good man. Why? Because I saw how nice he was to other people, and till date, he is being celebrated for his kind and generous heart.

I felt hurt but I comforted myself with the fact that maybe I Just wasn't lucky around him OR we were not meant to work together. Period.
You see this life...
Nobody is too rigid or difficult to talk to, they just have different comfort zone around different persons.

Nobody is too serious, strict or hard on people, they just choose who they laugh with, play with or want to be nice to.
Nobody is too busy for anybody, even when they are, they only create time for those they value or the things they cherish.

For instance,
The man you called a destiny killer because he has refused to help you grow your business is somewhere investing millions in someone's start up.

The girl you complained is rude, inconsiderate, and acting too hard to get is somewhere texting a guy, reminding him to ensure he calls her before bed time.

The man you said is too stingy just because he didn't give you money is somewhere asking a girl "baby, what can I get for you, just mention anything my love?"

All these I have mentioned is about individual difference and interest, and that someone's interest does not favour you doesn't mean they are bad or wicked in general, NO. It only means you have not learnt how to respect the interest of others without judging them.

When people form too busy for you, it doesn't mean it's pride , it only shows you ain't listed among their top priority.

When people ignore or reject you, it doesn't mean they are heartless or you ain't worth it, sometimes it could mean "this is not meant to be".

It's a new week, Erase that bitterness you've been having towards that fellow, they also have a good side. That Your personal encounter with them didn't end well as expected is not enough reason to judge them.

Understand that Nobody can please Everybody, and if Jesus the Messiah could not while on earth, who are they to.

I know you really need their assistance, support, friendship, partnership, etc but you have to Know when people no longer or have no interest in you or what you do. Let go and move on Smiling.
My prayer for you is, the God who has seen you this far, will not let you down. He would use the least things to favour you. Amen.

Remarkable Mary Akpan hails from Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
A 200level student of Political Science and Public Administration in the prestigious University of Uyo.
She is a Writer, Motivational/Public Speaker, and a Philanthropist.
She can be reached on Facebook @Remarkable Mary Akpan

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