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The Power of Love; A Flashback To Your Best Moments

I strongly believe that your significant other must have seen or noticed a rare combination of you, in you, which isn't found in others, that drew your attention to them before they decided on settling with you.

Let's get down memory lane!

From the beginning, it all started well, there was indeed a feeling of completion; (Oh Alas! I am complete; I search no more).

You once felt that way didn't you?

There was an overwhelming joy and happiness that seemed like the air blew it towards your direction. And at that time, all you could do was smile, giggle and whisper "I LOVE YOU", and they replied back with an intense voice like that of a bird at the down of the day, sounding like a melody made from lullaby rendered to a baby; "I LOVE YOU MORE"...!

A moment actually came when you couldn't do without them; you yearned to be around them in every second that counts... You couldn't just go a day without hearing from them at least thrice a day, 'excepting' text messages. Well that seems magical isn't? "That is the true power of love".

On the contrary, you sometimes imagined how you've existed, and have lived free of emotional intoxication without this same person that has come to take your breath away! No wonder P-Square referred them to as "Ole buruku". "Just like a thief in the middle of a night they broke into your heart with a dagger knife and now they've got you twisted thinking otherwise", making you feel you made a mistake giving them a chance to ride on your emotions.

At some point, you developed a phobia for every other person that had tried wooing you, simply because them. You never gave anyone a chance to compete or replace them even while they were away.

They were just so sweet, too romantic to behold!

Your whole world turned around simply because of the feeling that you were in a safe, reliable, and a trusted hands!

Believe me, you once lied to Mom, played pranks on Dad, scoped your guidance, fooled your friends just to make sure you don't disappoint them in a way or the other.

You had only heard of "risk bearer" in Business Studies, but you became one just like an entrepreneur the very moment you said "YES" to them. You compromised your stand and belief, bend your principles just to fit in with their kind of person.

Recalled that every morning when you wake, you feel so excited that they are part of you. You sleep late at night, having loads of thoughts of them running through your mind. Sometimes you contemplate if they feel the same way you do! But at the end, you still smile and say, "It is you I have loved all along"....

We are here now, we're back from that tremendous flashback.

Now the question is, are you still feeling the same way or is the feeling fading away?

Let me conclude by saying that you don't need to be perfect before you're liable of succeeding in your relationship. All you need to do is step up, upgrade, and be on top of your game. Do something extraordinary even in your ordinary being!
Let me give you an instance, Biblical instance, David was not a perfect man, but he knew how to give God His due. He was a committed praiser, a thanks giver, and a worshipper. Truly speaking, these are the things that drew God's attention to the little shepherd boy, David.

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