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#WifeNotCook: The Trending Hashtag! See Nigerian's reactions

It is believed that a group of frustrated and bitter feminists took to Facebook to spoil the mindset of our lovely Nigeria ladies, wives, and wives-to-be with a campaign of #WifeNotCook.

The aim of the #WifeNotCook campaign is not to "liberate" our mothers, wives and sisters from any form of oppression as it seems, but it is to plant bitterness in the heart and minds of our ladies so as to cause a crack and break in marriages and relationships to achieve breakup of families.

These women with bitter, evil and frustrated souls are never happy seeing ladies that are young enough to be their daughters, sisters and nieces in happy marriages and relationships simply because most of them, due to their bitter and evil hearts are perpetually unable to find a true soulmate.

TonyeBarcanista wrote;

"Enough is enough, these so called bitter feminists must be called to order by the women folks that means well for the society and those with fear of God.

I want to state for the sake of emphasis that the concept of feminism is NOT to create social disorder in the society, it is actually an agitation to treat the female folks in dignified manner as equal partner in the human establishment. The concept of feminism, which I strongly support is about respect to the women folk, including wives, sisters, daughters and mothers. Feminism is not aimed at causing societal, family and social disorder.

Traditionally, the Almighty in His Supreme wisdom made the man the tiller of the ground(bread winner) and the woman as the helper/co-partner to the man. It is a fact that women of virtue as defined in the Book of Proverbs 10 are those that take good care of their home while their husbands go out to "till the ground".

So there is nothing amiss if a woman help prepare food for her husband and her children, there is also nothing wrong for a husband to assist the wife in the home front or make provision for that, and not place unnecessary burden on her. In fact, this is what sane and responsible men do.

Let me also warn those promoting #HusbandNotATM that the primary responsibility of any man is to take care of his family. In fact, the Holy Bible called those that fail to do so as being irresponsible and worse than infidel.

Finally, I wish to admonish our married sisters not to allow any strange woman or group of women to sow seed of discord in their home. To our sisters in courtship (including my lady), I admonished you all to seek and heed to advice that will build and not destroy your future homes. To the single and other young ladies, please don't allow anyone or group to condition your minds with their frustration so as to have you in their position at older age.

As for the frustrated and embittered feminists, I implore you, in your own interest
to turn a new leaf and desist from this path that will only compound your frustration".

Nigerians who also reacted to the said campaign expressed disappointment over the trend and condemning same.

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