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9 Slayers of Relationships

Friendships, Relationships, Partnerships and any other ship for that matter requires patience, commitment and honesty.

Relationships on the other hand are more fragile that we often accept. This is because everyone came out with varying beliefs, culture and upbringing. Everyone has issues and baggage. And when you mix your issues together with theirs, the only thing that will guarantee the relationship from falling apart is transparency, humility and allowing God to be the center of that connection.

There are certain things however that serves as relationship killers and we often ignore or take them lightly;

1. Immaturity
2. Insensitivity
3. Insecurity
4. Infidelity
5. Inconsistency
6. Inconsideration
7. Inflated Ego
8. Incontinent Temperament
9. Income Conflict

Relationship takes 100% commitment from both party involved to work.
It is not meant for selfish individuals, nor is it designed for people seeking other people to complete them.

In relationship, the goal is to "Complement" each other. You can't refuse to do your part in a relationship, friendship, partnership etc, and then get upset when it ends.
Just as the ship on high sea, "You are either "All In" or "All Out", half ships don't float"!

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