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4 Ways To Be An Attractive/A More Attractive Person

Beauty is having qualities that are pleasant to the eyes.
Attractiveness is having the power to attract, that is, having the power to arouse interest or draw by moral, emotional or sexual influence, according to the dictionary of English.
Most times when we hear the word "Attractive" we attribute it to only the female gender but being attractive, according to the definition, applies to both the male and the female gender.
Without beating around the bush, let's go straight to four ways, amongst others, that we can be an attractive person or a more attractive person.

1. Have a healthy self esteem. 

Being attractive starts from you because people will see you the way you see yourself. Don't let material things or relationships determine your worth because of a truth, you determine the worth of anything you come across.

2. Maintain a joyful attitude.

It definitely isn't easy to maintain being joyful but everyone has a mistake in his or her past so learn to let go and let in joy to take over. Keep yourself excited, everyone wants a joyful person.

3. Get a purpose for your life. 

The gift of a man makes way for him. Develop your talents and gifts, it makes you attractive. When you don't have a purpose, abuse is inevitable whether you're a man or woman.
Get a life!

4. Develop yourself mentally. 

The world loves and respect intelligent people. Read and watch things that'll improve your mind.
How to develop your mind include.

a. Asking questions.

b. Reading.
You mustn't know everything about something but you can know SOMETHING about everything. Read wide. Read about fashion, sports, cars, countries, lands, cities, people, everything.

c. Take time to observe.

d. Choose your friends.
Whether we accept it or not who we associate with has great influence on us.

e. Do things you enjoy. Positive things please.

f. Embrace solitude once in a while. Never be scared of being alone because in solitude, ideas are birthed, strength is regained and saneness is kept intact.

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