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Things She Secretly Hope For To Make Her Feel Loved

There’s always been this idea that women are creatures of mystery. Men claim that we’re never clear about what we’re thinking or what we want. I’m here to let you know we’re not that complicated. We just have standards. But since there’s plenty of confusion in relationships worldwide, I’m here to clarify some things about how you should love a woman.

I’ve been with my boyfriend for four years now. We learn new things about each other all the time, and I like it that way. But sometimes, it seems we can both be a little clueless about how to love one another. We get into fights over silly things, because unfortunately, we can’t read each other’s minds. So when it comes to love, the first key to a woman’s heart is communication!

Holding back on emotions and thoughts only complicates everything so much more. A woman loves to hear what their significant other is thinking or feeling. A display of feeling is not going to be viewed as weird or sissy – we’re all human, and it’s better to see someone break down than to be devoid of emotion. In the end, a woman only wants their partner to open up a little and be honest about what goes on in their head.

Then there’s the issue of gifts. A man may believe that a girl just wants to be showered with expensive presents. My boyfriend certainly thought the same. For my birthday, he bought me an elegant bottle of expensive prosecco, which he was sure I would enjoy (and of course, I did). However, a topic we have discussed since is what I look for in the perfect gift. I told him that while it’s nice to have money spent on me, I would’ve been just as happy with a homemade dinner and a nicely written card.


Because ten years down the line, I won’t remember what was unique about that expensive champagne. I’ll forget the card he wrote for our anniversary several months later. I’ll remember how he left our flat to buy me flowers and then pretended to pick me up for our date. In the end, the thought is what counts. I know that the memories that will stick with me are the ones that are the most emotionally charged. Call me crazy, but that little-handwritten card was one of the best things I’ve ever received.

There’s one final thing that paves the way to my heart, and I’m sure many will agree with me. When you find someone who can make you laugh, or smile, or even just feel a little brighter, the one thing you need back is time. You want someone to set aside their hours just for you.

You want them to make an effort to call you when you’re apart to see how your day was. You want them to cancel plans when you’re ill to take care of you. A little of someone’s time is one of the most precious things you can receive from your partner. Being in a long-distance relationship for two years taught me that time can be hard to come by, but when someone is willing to find it for you, you’ve found something useful.

Inspired by Peace Quarters

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