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Biggest Ways People Cheat in their Relationships without even Knowing


A lot of people cheat on daily basis unknown to them. However, we bring to you 8 biggest ways people cheat in their relationship without even knowing. We hope that you read and have your ways amended, and also stay true to your significant other.

Here are the ways:

1) Answering Text Messages

Whether it’s day or night, if you are talking to someone you are attracted to, or you know is attracted to you, and you don’t want your partner to find out, it’s cheating.

2) Leaving People Out of Conversations

If you find yourself leaving certain people out of your conversations because you know that it’s going to start a fight or because you don’t want your partner to ask questions, you are cheating.
Neglecting to mention who you have spent time with because it will upset your partner is a pretty good sign that you are doing something you are not supposed to be doing.

3) You Say You Are Single

It’s hard to believe that someone in a long-term relationship would say they are single, but it does happen.
If you find yourself lying about your relationship status, consider the fact that you are cheating on your partner.
You might not be physically cheating on them, but you are cheating them.

4) Harmless Flirting

A lot of people think that flirting is okay, even when you are in a relationship.
The truth is that flirting sends the wrong message to many people, including the person you are flirting with.
It’s not fair to the person you are in a relationship with, and you know that because you fail to mention the conversation you had with the waitress for 30 minutes following your lunch.
“We were just talking” is always going to translate to “I like her” in your partner’s eyes.

5) You Get Dressed Up For Someone Else

If you find yourself putting in that little extra effort with your hair or makeup, shoes or clothes, you might want to take a minute to consider why you are trying to impress them.
What about the person you are going to the party with?
Stop and think about who you are trying to get the attention of and then realize that you are cheating if you carry on with your planned outfit.

6) You Lean on Someone Else for Comfort

Everyone has that special someone in their lives that they can lean on and trust to help them through a difficult time, but if that person isn’t your partner or your best friend, then it could be considered cheating.
If you talk about your partner behind their back to someone, especially someone who might have feelings for you, you are cheating everyone in the situation.

7) Following People Online

With the increased use of the internet to find relationships, it’s becoming more common that people find new love, even when they have love at home.
And sometimes it’s not intentional, it just happens. Because the internet brings people who are worlds apart closer together, it’s important to understand the limitations and lines that can be crossed while engaging in online flirting or conversation.
For example, if you are always looking at half-naked pictures of girls you know in real life, but your girlfriend is lying in bed next to you, it might be time to reconsider who you follow on social media because you are basically cheating on your girlfriend and being dishonest about your relationship with those other girls.

8) Lying about an Old Flame

Whether you realize it or not, you are cheating on your partner when you forget to mention you ran into an ex-partner of yours.
Most reasonable people know that ex-partners are a fact of life, but if you hide it, there is good reason to question motives, and that can cause a lot of problems for relationships. If you are open and honest about it, then it’s just a friendship and not considered cheating.
Remember, if you have to ask yourself that if your actions are acceptable, they probably aren’t. If you have to ask yourself if this is a good idea, it probably isn’t. If you have to lie about it to your partner, don’t do it.

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