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The Force Behind The Nine Lessons Of Christmas


By Iniobong Enyetip
Reading through the nine lessons of carol we would notice that there is something though never mentioned, that is the wing by which the nine lessons fly. It is the very foundation of the nine lessons without which the nine lessons will only be a fairy-tale. This phenomenon is so strong and powerful that even God is lost in it because it is eternal too. 

Creation owed its existence to this phenomenon, it is even sustained and preserved by this force. This force is what we call the love of God and often time the most abused concept in Christendom. From the creation of man, to his fall, God’s love has never rested. This love is so strong that sins and frustration cannot overwhelm it. “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.” God said (Isa 31:3b). It is common in our days that when you have done so much to show people how much you care and yet they can’t see it, you have to give up on them. But it’s different with God, Adam’s failure couldn’t dissuade Him, the sins of the chosen race (Israel) and their apostasy wasn’t enough for God to give up on us. 

This love is patience, kind, not selfish, never fails, and above all it is restless, ever seeking for expression. You can turn against it many times but it  still wants you. This love does not know pains, rejection or despise. It is never exhausted. It will look for you through the storm, rain, shine and beg for acceptance (Rev. 3:20). This is what Apostle Paul meant when he says, “who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” (Rom 8:35). George Matheson wrote in the first stanza of the hymn, 448, 
Methodist Hymn Book, “O love that will not let me go”.
This love chose Noah, this love chose Abraham, and this love is here incarnate at Christmas. You will remember that song that we sing during this season, “Love came down at Christmas, love all lovely, love divine, love was born at Christmas, star and angel give the sign” MHB 138. Jesus is love. That which is born is a child but yet a King, in Him dwelled the fullness of God in bodily form. The creator God has taken human form, divested Himself of His glory, left heaven, to reconcile His creation after all efforts have failed. He sent the prophets but we would not listen now he decided to come on His own. 

“The word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.”(John 1:14). This is love extravagantly expressed. If you have listened through the nine lessons, you will see nothing but the promotion of love, this force is invisibly expressed throughout the lessons. Love that will not rest, love that is never tired. Until this love is found in our hearts, we are far from the reality of Christmas. Anytime you feel like giving up on a brother or a sister or on God ask first, how much of God’s love have you lavishly expended? This greatest force is what we need in our home today, the love between husband, wives and children must not only be patience and kind but must be restless. This force must bind the church together, the unity of the church is centred on this force otherwise which it is just an assemblies of coded hypocrites with imprecise vision. 

The tribal differences in Akwa Ibom State and Nigeria will fade out at the sight of this force. This force can build every home, community, state or nation. It can raise up a little village to become an empire, if it is expressed in its ideals.

“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” 1 John 4:7-8 KJV
May God’s love never depart from your home. Amen.

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