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4 Proven Tips For a Sustainable 'Long Distance Relationship', 2&4 Will Shock You


“Long distance relationships are hard, but they are also incredible. If you love, trust, respect, and support each other from a distance then you will be unstoppable once you’re physically together”.
- Relationship rules
A long distance relationship can be tough but it’s all about how you superintend the relationship when obviously your love is miles away from you. Majority out there do not bargain or seek to be involved in a long distance relationship, but however, situation can possibly cause separation. And so it is for this reason I write to recommend and/or remind you few tips that you already know about which when rightly used, it will help your love last the miles.

You must have read similar articles bothering on this same issue, but I am going to center my thoughts on what has worked for me.

At some points you may feel like doing certain things just to ensure that you keep the flame ignited and maintain bond. It is at this juncture that diplomacy sets in.

Here are few things you should do, and few you shouldn’t do…

1.    Be free to talk to them about anything

This very aspect cannot be overemphasized; always thrive to keep the communication line open. Relevant and irrelevant things should be part of your discussion, by this you only build confidence and trust between yourselves.
Undoubtedly, every aspects in relationship’s journey starts with communication. Do well to communicate regularly, and whatever frequency you choose please decide upon it and on time.

2.    Do not be monotonous

Don’t be known for a particular way of doing things. Matter of fact, let your modus operandi, by this I mean your mode of operation be unpredictable. I usually use a simple calculation in exemplifying this particular option. Let’s say we have ‘9’ to find as an answer, and I start by solving; 3x3=9, 4+5=9, 19-10=9. So you see, I have used multiplication, addition, and subtraction just to arrive at the paramount number which is ‘9’. Do not limit the extent you can go in resolving seemingly issues around you.

3.    Be independent

A lot of relationships be it close or distance relationship crash because of the issue of dependency of any kind. Be it financially, mentally, academically, materially and otherwise, you must not depend on your significant other for too many things, as this will only weigh them down and make them feel cheated on, in the long run.

4.    Do not think they are cheating on you

The good book says, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”. Thoughts, regardless of its nature have control over humans a whole lot, be it negative or positive. If you are always feeling that they are cheating on you, at some point, you would want to justify your reasoning by cheating on them in a way or the other. This will only give room for doubts, distrust and dishonesty.
Whatever the case maybe, a sustainable relationship of any kind requires mutual understanding, respect, and most all trust. Without these three, it is like building a house on the rock; they remain the key things that holds a union.

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